Everyone knows the library has books, but did you know we also have more unusual items you can borrow? (For free, of course!) Below is a list of our “Library of Things” to help you learn, have fun and explore new interests. You can reserve most of these items online or call any BCL location for staff assistance.

Arduino Kits
Arduino is a small, programmable machine that completes simple tasks based on instructions you write as code. These beginner-level kits give you all the tools you need to start your first project. See our Arduino page for more information. BCL’s Arduino Kit collection is made possible by a generous grant from OMNOVA Solutions.
Borrowing: Arduino Kits are kept at the Central Library but you can view availability in the library’s online catalog and place a hold on one for pickup at any BCL location. The kits check out for 21 days. They can be returned in outdoor book drops or inside the library.

Board Games
Borrow a board game to take home to play with family or friends. These are non-traditional games for ages preschool through adult. Try something new!
Borrowing: You can browse all available games in the library’s online catalog. Grab a game in person at the Weyers-Hilliard Branch Library or place a hold and request it be sent to your choice of BCL locations for pickup. Games check out for 21 days. You can return them in outdoor book drops or inside the library.

Book Club Kits
BCL’s Book Club Kits make it easy for everyone in your book discussion group to get a copy of next month’s book! Each kit has seven to 10 copies of the same title, so you can distribute them among your members. You can choose from more than 100 adult fiction and nonfiction titles, along with a discussion guide to spark conversation.
Borrowing: To browse available titles, use our online Book Club Kit system. A member of your group with a library card in good standing can reserve and check out the kit for your entire group. You can request that your Kit be sent to any BCL location for pickup. Book Club Kits check out for 35 days and can also be returned to any BCL location.

Brown County Seed Library
The Brown County Seed Library is a curated collection of seeds – primarily edible plants – that are suited for success in our Northeastern Wisconsin growing region.
These seeds are available free of charge to anyone interested in planting vegetables, fruits and pollinator-friendly plants. We welcome you to check out our selection anytime the Central Library is open.

Cake Pans
Have you ever wanted to make the perfect football-shaped cake for your tailgate party, but don’t want that football-shaped cake pan taking up room in your kitchen forever? Our cake pan collection has you covered. With everything from Batman to guitars to pirate ships, you can borrow a pan to make the perfect cake for any occasion.
Borrowing: To find out what designs are available, browse the cake pans in the library’s online catalog. They are kept at the Weyers-Hilliard Branch, but you can place a hold on your choice and request it be sent to the BCL location of your choice for pickup. Cake pans check out for seven days and must be cleaned before they are returned to the library.

Carnival Games
Is your organization looking for a fun and easy way to make your next event a good time? Brown County Library has a collection of carnival games available for checkout. Our carnival games page includes photos and descriptions of each game with printable signs and rule sheets for each.
Borrowing: Games must be picked up at and returned to the Central Library (contact the main checkout desk for assistance).

Chromebook Bundles
Google Chromebooks are laptop computers that allow you to surf the web, conduct video calls, and create files using browser-based tools like Google Docs and Google Sheets. All Chromebook Bundles come with a Mobile Hotspot.
Borrowing: Chromebook bundles are available for checkout at all BCL locations on a first-come basis. They must be checked out and returned at a library service desk and may not be placed on hold. If you would like to check out a Chromebook bundle, please call ahead to ask about availability. (See our Locations & Hours page for phone numbers.) Chromebook bundles check out for 21 days, with a limit of one check out per month, per household.

Guitar Pedals
Our guitar pedal collection gives you an easy way to add new effects to your guitar or test out a pedal before you commit to buying it – for free!
Borrowing: To browse our collection, view available guitar pedals in our library catalog. They are kept at the Central Library but you can place a hold and request pickup at any BCL location. All guitar pedals check out for seven days.

Mobile Hotspots
Mobile hotspots are a convenient and portable way to get WiFi access anywhere you need it. Whether it’s at your home, a cabin, or an office, mobile hotspots make it easy to get connected.
Borrowing: You can check availability of mobile hotspots in our library catalog and place a hold to pick one up at any BCL location. They check out for 21 days, with a limit of one hotspot checkout per month per household. They may be returned in outdoor book drops or inside the library.

Video Games
Whether you’re looking for a relaxing way to spend your weekend or a way to keep your kids up to date on the latest releases without breaking the bank, you can find a great new game in our collection. We have games for PS3, PS4, PS5, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo 3DS, Xbox One, Xbox360, Wii, and WiiU.
Borrowing: To browse our collection or place a hold, view available video games in our catalog. They can be borrowed from any BCL location for 21 days, with a limit of 5 video games per library card. They can be returned in outdoor book drops or inside the library.