Rawhide Youth Services

The Brown County Library maintains this directory of non-profit community organizations and service clubs in Brown County and Northeast Wisconsin. You may search for an organization or browse the list by choosing a category or clicking on View All Listings. If you have a correction or a suggestion for a new club or organization for inclusion on this page, please send an email to our Central Library Adult Services department.


Listing Category

Since 1965, our mission has been one of belief. Belief in the potential of the youth we serve and the positive outcome we can help them realize. The Rawhide team is committed to helping teens and young adults struggling with mental health, emotional and behavioral challenges find joy and healing. It’s a faith-based commitment to love and serve those who need us most—and equip them with the tools to live a healthy and fulfilling life.

E7475 Rawhide Road, New London, WI
ZIP Code